Check In: 4PM - Flexible
Check Out: 10.30AM
You will receive the address and a code for the entry the day before arrival. Late check out may permitted but must be arranged at time of booking.
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No events allowed
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No Pets
No pets of any type. Service dogs must be under owner's control at all times and may not be left alone in the home at any time. Leaving service dog unattended in home will result in immediate cancelation with no refund.
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No smoking allowed
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House Rules

No smoking or vaping, no parties or events, no guests not listed on reservation are allowed on property without advance written consent of owner, thermostat may not be set below 72 degrees on cool setting, any resulting damage for ignoring thermostat rule will be billed to guest. No food in bedrooms. Do not park on grass, use driveway or street. This property does not provide garage access.

Min age rule

The person renting must be 25 or older and must be staying at the property all nights of the stay. You may not book for another person or group. All members of party must be 25 or older except for family stays, in other words a parent or parents with their children who are under 25.

Payment Policy

Payments will be accepted through Cashapp, Venmo or check

Cancellation Policy

Cancellation up to 30 days before arrival full refund less a $200 cancellation fee
No refund for cancellation after 29-0 days before arrival.


Guests will be financially responsible for any damage to property.
Guests will be asked to vacate property with no refund for violation of pet or maximum occupancy policy.
A service dog left alone at property for any length of time is considered a violation of policy.

2024 | Paper Moon Vacations

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